While browsing the internet to find some exciting t-shirt news I discovered a new type of hoarder. The T-Shirt hoarder! This thread discusses rather or not having too many cheap t-shirts is an illness or not. We here at TheShirtPrinter.com believe that custom printed t-shirts contribute greatly to ones quality of life. T-shirts provide comfort, security and most importantly one of our basic needs, to be kept clothed. These custom printed t-shirt hoarders not only hoard t-shirt but apparently enjoy hoarding hoodies as well. Another interesting fact is that once the t-shirt hoarder has run out of room or out grown their cheap t-shirt collection they begin to make various things such as quilts to extend the life of their precious t-shirts. We think this is fantastic and encourage you to visit TheShirtPritner.com and continue your cheap custom printed t-shirt hoarding! HOARD ON!!!!